EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of the __ day of __, 20__ , between [name of employer] a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, and having its principal place of business at __ (the “Employer“); and [name of employee], of the City of __ in the Province...
Mutual non-disclosure agreement
Either Party may disclose Confidential Information to the other Party in confidence provided that the disclosing Party identifies such information as proprietary and confidential either by marking it, in the case of written materials, or, in the case of information that is disclosed orally or written materials that are not marked, by notifying the other Party of the proprietary and confidential nature of the information, such notification to be done orally, by e-mail or written correspondence, or via other means of communication as might be appropriate.
Personal Data Processing Agreement
Parties agree that for the purpose of fulfilling statutory obligations imposed by law, these being in particular the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Loan Agreement
THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made at the place and on the date as stated in the schedule 1 hereunder written ( “the Schedule 1”) BETWEEN The Borrower described as stated in the Schedule 1 hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his / her / its / their respective heirs, administrators, executors, legal representatives (where the borrower is an individual / sole proprietor).
Loan Agreement
The Lender agrees to loan the Borrower the principal sum of ___________________ (the “Loan”), together with interest on the outstanding principal amount of the Loan (the “Principal Balance”), and in accordance with the terms set forth below.
Intellektuaalse omandi kokkulepe fotograafile
Kokkuleppe objektiks on Ettevõtte või Fotograafi poolt Teenuse osutamise käigus loodud Kliendi kujutist sisaldavad fotod, sh. selliste fotode töötlused (edaspidi „Fotod“).
Sponsorhip Agreement
1.1. The Sponsor shall pay the Club 5000 (five thousand) euros (the “Contribution”) to support the Club’s activities in managing and training a team of cricket players, participating in sporting events and competitions, and developing the game of cricket (hereinafter the “Purpose”).
1.2. The Sponsor shall pay the Contribution to the Club’s bank account (specified separately by the Club) no later than by the 5th (fifth) banking day as of the signing of the Agreement by both Parties.
1.3. The Club warrants that the Contribution will only be used for the Purpose defined in this Agreement and not for any other purpose.
Vallasasja tasuta kasutamise leping
Confidentiality Agreement
In order to ___, the Parties must exchange information of a confidential nature (“Confidential Information” as defined in Article 2 below) and would like to ensure that it remains confidential.
Non-Disclosure Agreement
“Confidential Information” means all information both tangible and intangible of a Disclosing Party which relates, respectively, to the above identified subject matter, including, but not limited to, trade secrets, business and technical information and data, disclosed orally, visually, in writing, electronic media or by any other means, and that is marked in accordance with this Section 1.
Convertible Promissory Note
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, [company name], a [registered location of the company] corporation (the “Company”), hereby promises to pay to the order of [investor name], or his, her or its registered assigns (the “Investor”), in lawful money of the United States of America, the principal amount of $[loan amount], together with interest on the principal amount of this Note outstanding from time to time until such principal amount is paid in full, at such interest rate, and at such times and upon such other terms and conditions, as are specified in this Note.
Tarkvara ja sellega seotud intellektuaalse omandi õiguste üleandmise ja tagasilitsentsimise leping
Üleandja müüb ja Omandaja ostab Lepingu preambula punktis A nimetatud Tarkvara ning Üleandja annab Omandajale vastavad Tarkvaraga seotud intellektuaalse omandi õigused.
Väga lihtne ja lakooniline tähtajaline laenuleping, mis fikseerib laenusumma, tähtaja ja viivise määra.
Lihtne tähtajaline laenuleping, mis fikseerib mh laenusumma, tähtaja, viivise, kohustuse täitmise järjekorra ja viite tagatislepingule.
Option Agreement
The Issuer hereby grants to the Option Holder the Options set out in Schedule 1. The Option Holder acquires the Options from the moment of signing of this Agreement.
Koolitusteenuse leping
Lepingu objektiks on Koolitaja poolt läbiviidav [keele nimetus] keele õpe (edaspidi “Koolitus”).
Äriruumide üürileping
Lepingu esemeks on Äriruumid, mis asuvad Tallinnas aadressil [*], paiknedes [*] ([*]) korruselise Hoone [*] korrusel. Äriruumide asendiplaan on lepingu lisa 1.
Laenu allutamise leping
Laenuandja 1 ja Laenuandja 2 sõlmisid käesoleva laenu allutamise lepingu (edaspidi “Leping”) eesmärgiga allutada Laenulepingust 1 tulenevad nõuded Laenulepingust 2 tulenevatele nõuetele.
Aktsionäride leping
Pooled juhinduvad omavaheliste suhete reguleerimisel käesolevast lepingust ja käesoleva lepinguga reguleerimata küsimustes Eesti Vabariigi seadustest ja teistest õigusaktidest.
Supply Agreement
The Parties shall agree upon quantity, measures, production materials and quality of the product in Appendix 1 of the Contract. The Parties shall also enclose the draft of each single object to Appendix 1 of the Contact.
Toodete hulga, mõõdud, valmistamise materjalid ja kvaliteedi lepivad pooled kokku lepingu lisas 1. Pooled lisavad lepingu lisale 1 iga üksiku objekti eskiisi.
Müügilepingu raamleping
Lepinguga annab müüja ostjale üle ostja tellitud asja(d) (edaspidi kaup) ning ostja tasub müüjale kauba eest ja võtab selle vastu.
Ehituse alltöövõtulepingu üldtingimused
Kõigi tööde kohta, mida tellija ei aktsepteeri (vaegtööd või ükskõik milline muu puudus töödes), teeb tellija märkuse akti või esitab töövõtjale eraldi pretensiooni.
Töövõtuleping eraisikuga
Tellija tellib ja Töövõtja teostab Lepingu tingimuste kohaselt järgmise töö: [teostatava töö kirjeldus] (edaspidi Töö). Töö täpsem kirjeldus on toodud Lepingu lisas 1.
Juhatuse liikme leping
Lepingu eesmärgiks on kokku leppida Ühingu ja Juhatuse liikme vastastikused õigused, kohustused ja muud Juhatuse liikme kohustuste täitmisest tulenevad tingimused.
Osa müügileping
Lepingu objektiks on Müüja omandis olev ___ OÜ (edaspidi “OÜ”) osa nimiväärtusega ___ eurot (edaspidi “Osa”), mis moodustab ___% OÜ osakapitalist ja osadega esindatud häältest.